December 12, 2011

Finals, First Semester, Update!

Uhm so...been colorin' and cleanin' stuffs up.. since I last updated. I've got about a third of the film cleaned up and colored (maybe a little less). But, uh, this is what you can expect from the film:

-The management

November 8, 2011


Three. More. Scenes. (To rough out)

And then I get to go back and make everything look purdy. Doooooooooods, I have a bunch of weeks left before the end of the semester (well not a bunch but enough) to get my roughs done, go back and make them even better. Put the narration on, time it out, and be awesome.


-The management

October 24, 2011

Another lame update..

Hey guys...

I've got about 40 seconds roughed out plus the "info panels" slide...things typed up. Soooo yay progress! If I get about two scenes done a week, I should have all my roughs done and ready to start clean up/color by the end of the semester, wahoo!

-The management

October 20, 2011


So I have nothing to show for the work I have done thus far but the first 30 seconds (of the two minute film) are almost complete roughed out. Just a few minor adjustments and we should be good to go.

I have this thing about posting actual animation online before the film is actually finished..perhaps one of the shorter scenes will get posted or something later on in the semester.

-The management.

October 5, 2011


Here are some posters that need some touch ups but I am pretty happy with them. Lemme know what you think.

The type is NOT final. It is very much something I have hardcore issues with.

-The Management

September 30, 2011


Hey everybody!

Backgrounds for everyone!

Just a few of 'em at least. Should be good. ;)

-The management

September 19, 2011


Hey guys!

It's that time of the year again where I'm working on a short film for school. This year's topic: serial killers. Specifically, the signs to look for in children and teens that all known serial killers have in common when they were growing up.

This should be an entertaining year for everyone. Hopefully I will have some concept art up within the next two weeks as that is what I will be focusing on making purdy for the film so stick around.

-The management